f Morning Rose Prayer Gardens: 04/01/2011 - 05/01/2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011



Three weeks have passed since I last posted. Three weeks of cold rains preventing my working outdoors. Three weeks of darkness as I wait for the reawakening of not only my garden but my optimism as well. Three weeks of an unusually challenging Lent as I anticipated the Resurrection of Easter.
I am surprised at how, in my region, the lateness of my gardens paralleled the lateness of this Easter. It is the end of April when a riot of spring color should be apparent, but not much else is showing but daffodils and Forsythia. Mother’s Day, which is in less than two weeks, has always been heralded by Lilacs in full bloom. If it warms up in the next ten days the Lilacs may leaf out, and if lucky a couple of flowering buds may open.
I too feel a lateness or maybe a lowness in my heart. I know deep inside me there is a season of spring waiting to arise.  It is growing yet hidden in darkness like the seeds in my garden. Those seeds need darkness to germinate, they also need rain. This year there seems to be an abundance of both.
Alexander Calder 'Germination'
I am challenged to keep the faith. We all face times of aridity (well, maybe this year it’s the Flood!). I am called to patience, to wait and see what will grow from the new seeds planted inside me. I am called to trust in the hidden process of germination.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Book Signing

The Catholic Shoppe

Click here to go the their web page

     I was delighted by the owner of the Catholic Shoppe and her customers who came to my book signing. This wonderful little shop, situated in a basement storefront (note blue awnings in picture), has been in the same location for over 60 years. The third generation owner, Stacey Breijak, was charming and fussed over every anticipated need I might have. I was her first author for a book signing event and she did everything right!
     She had a lovely display of my book in the window next to the steps leading down to her shop. My posters were taped to her doors, and she had contacted the local news station. Behind the table where I was to set up, she had cleared the shelf so I could display the books and other marketing materials. The woman working for her even arranged the display for me when I stepped out for a moment. It was lovely!
     I was not optimistic about people braving a cold drizzly day just to buy a book, but they did. Her customers were engaging and chatty, wanting to know about St. Francis Retreat Center and my work there. I sold several books, even one at full retail to Stacey, though she could have bought it wholesale.
     An enjoyable day, she even brought in lunch for us. The link to her store is included above...she really does carry a lot of all thinks Catholic.
     Thank you Stacey and all of your customers for making the book signing a fun and successful experience.