f Morning Rose Prayer Gardens: Welcome to Morning Rose Prayer Gardens!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Welcome to Morning Rose Prayer Gardens!

In the beginning...

Hello and welcome to the
new site for Morning Rose Prayer Gardens. I pray you find inspiration and growth while tending to your garden!
     I find I am both humbled and intimidated by the thought of creating a blog. I wonder what my voice, the voice of a gardener, will be like when written. I wonder who would read my words and how those words would affect them. I wonder how those who are educated in theology will perceive my spirituality from the soil.
     This blog is the result of reinventing myself. I am literally one in a million unemployed, and well into my 50's. During this time without a job, I asked God to show me how to use the talents he had given me, even though they may not necessarily include the skills I had developed. As I said, I am a gardener, I am also Catholic and I am willing to journey in faith along unknown roads.
     I will do my best to follow the words of  Thomas Merton, "To do this work carefully and well, with love and respect for the nature of my task and with due attention to its purpose, is to unite myself to God's will in my work. In this may I become his instrument."
      So I will ask for the same as when I develop gardens of prayer or memorial, that the Lord will give me what will rebound to his own profit.
     May we all grow in peace. 


  1. I see your first blog post honors Our Lady of Grace, as she stands within the garden. A very worthy first subject for a photo! May her ways of grace lead you ever closer to her Son, Jesus.

    Welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. Sweet Margaret, I like your words ;)
